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We are all a bunch of volunteer programmers who work on this project in our spare time. Whenever we have a chance away from work, school, family, and other demands, we try to code.
We are looking for a few good coders to help our project. If you are experienced with C++ coding (and this sorta thing actually interest you), drop Jason an email (see below). We would love to tell you how to go about setting up a user account with Sourceforge, and get you added to our project. We don't bite, honest!
Alex Lehner -- Alex is a coder for the project.
Jason Whitehorn
-- Jason is a coder for the team, as well as the improvised webmaster
(can you tell that he doesn't know HTML very well :-) ).
Large Number Class (LNC) is copyrighted (c) 2002, 2003, by The LNC team, and released under the terms of the GNU GPL